The Importance of Learning English

The Importance of Learning English

The Importance of Learning English

In today’s world, multilingualism is evolving more essential. Apart from opening job opportunities having the ability to speak a different language allows you to create a genuine connection to people and learn more about different countries, cultures, and lifestyles. The more fluent you are at speaking a foreign language, the better you’ll be able to communicate. Spoken English Classes in Chennai provide a broad understanding of the importance of learning English.

From the 6500 languages spoken around the world in the present, why do we choose to learn English? English is widely communicated and taught in 118 countries. It is widely used worldwide for trade purposes or as a diplomatic language. The language is used in aviation, science diplomacy, computers, and tourism. 

It doesn’t matter if it’s for professional and personal goals, knowing the significance of English will assist you in reaching your goals. Here are a few good reasons why you should continue to study and practice your English proficiency.

English is the Language of Global Communication

English is the primary language of 53 countries and is used as a first language by more than 400 million people around the world. However, it’s the most used second language spoken in the world.    

It is, therefore, most likely that if meet someone from a different country and you both are capable of speaking English. It opens your access to the world and allows you to communicate with people from all over the world.

Note: If you are a graduate, still you didn’t get a suitable job. Your barrier should be language only. To enhance your English language by joining the Spoken English Course Online and getting to know about the importance of English.

English provides users access to more fun options and more accessibility to the Internet

Today, a lot of movies, TV shows as well as books, and music are written and released in English. When you know English you will not have to rely on translations or subtitles anymore. Through accessing these channels as well, you’ll be able to continuously enhance your English comprehension and reading abilities.

English is the current most used language on the internet. Around 565 million users are online every day, and around 52 percent of the most frequented websites are in English. So, understanding this language allows access to more than 50% of the content on the internet, which may not be accessible otherwise. It doesn’t matter if it’s for pleasure or work, if your knowledge is in English then you’ll be able to share information with more online users and utilize a wider range of resources.

English helps make it simpler for travelers to get around

As mentioned before, as English can be spoken as the primary language in more than 53 countries as well as a second language in 118 countries, knowing the language makes it more convenient to travel around. 

In fact, airport announcements, train timetables information for emergencies, and even street signs are usually accessible in English even in those countries where the local language has a different version of the alphabet. It’s not a surprise that when you go to a country in which there is no language spoken it is almost guaranteed to meet someone who speaks at least a little English.

English can make you ‘smarter’

Learning a language from scratch can enhance your ability to think and analyze. A study in 2012 Swiss Study shows that learning a new language can alter the brain’s structures, affecting the areas of the brain that are responsible for memory, consciousness thinking and can increase your creativity.

In the long run, it is possible to help to keep the brain strong and healthy through the ages of old and improve memory and concentration. On a personal scale, it boosts self-esteem and improves your confidence in yourself. Simply put, the process of studying a new language makes the brain more powerful and adaptable.

Learning English isn’t just beneficial, however, it also brings lots of satisfaction, and progressing makes you feel happy. To improve your speaking skills and know the importance of English, step into FITA Academy for a top-grade Spoken English Class in Coimbatore with the support of a certified language expert.